Category: Web

New project –

So I had to do something for the kids. Especially the super-gifted ones who likes geography. The result is a work-in-progress game made with HTML/CSS/JS with a backend API made with SLIM framework. The idea is to create a place where you can practice on the worlds’ capitals and flags. So head on over to […]

New project: Phonebooth API

Yesterday my little side project went live. It’s a small but hopefully helpful REST API for developers or projects that need to validate registered users’ phone numbers. It supports both mobile and landline numbers and returns a JSON result. The service currently only supports swedish numbers but more is likely to be added going […]

WordPress and jQuery Masonry setup with floating images

The Masonry jQuery plugin is an easy way to stack divs in a nice grid without the usual problem with CSS floats – e.g divs with different heights will not look good beside each other. In a recent project a client wanted WordPress thumbnails stacked in this way. I first added some code to functions.php in order […]

Ultimate .htaccess rewrite tutorial with 301 redirects

So, over the last couple of weeks I have moved several sites to new locations and publishing platforms which demands some redirects unless you wanna be a SEO killer. The examples below are mostly URLs with query strings which I either want to hide or make prettier. The fourth and fifth examples are quite useful when […]

Custom WordPress Varnish VCL v1

Over the last couple of days I’ve been struggling with getting my dev WordPress environment set up with Varnish (2.1.3) Out of the box with minimal config it provides great speed and hitrate but zero functionality together with the cookie-laden WordPress. So far I have tested a bunch of VCL:s found online but here’s my take […]

Webmin – Hetzner VPS Debian 6 LAMP + fastcgi + php5 + apache

This tutorial applies to servers preconfigured with LAMP (Debian 6, Apache 2, Mysql 5, PHP 5.2). If the LAMP stack is not installed, it’s pretty straightforward to install the respective components via apt-get install. Since the image I’m using has Webmin preinstalled I use it to quickly get started.