Tagged: apache

Custom WordPress Varnish VCL v1

Over the last couple of days I’ve been struggling with getting my dev WordPress environment set up with Varnish (2.1.3) Out of the box with minimal config it provides great speed and hitrate but zero functionality together with the cookie-laden WordPress. So far I have tested a bunch of VCL:s found online but here’s my take […]

Webmin – Hetzner VPS Debian 6 LAMP + fastcgi + php5 + apache

This tutorial applies to servers preconfigured with LAMP (Debian 6, Apache 2, Mysql 5, PHP 5.2). If the LAMP stack is not installed, it’s pretty straightforward to install the respective components via apt-get install. Since the image I’m using has Webmin preinstalled I use it to quickly get started.